Spring and Fall Cleanups
Spring Cleanup
Lawns, garden beds and plantings like the inside of our homes, need proper care after the winter months to prepare for the growing season. Spring Cleanup will enable you to enhance the aesthetics of your landscape.
Spring Yard Clean Up Checklist
Removing Debris
The first and foremost task as part of spring yard clean up is to remove refuse, including dead leaves, twigs, and litter from the yard and planting beds. You can also rake your lawn to control thatch buildup.
Preparing Planting Beds
Use compost on the garden beds and chemicals, if required, to prepare the plants for spring. Be sure to remove the weeds and use a tiller to break the ground.
Planting in the Prepared Flower Beds and Lawns
Early spring is an ideal time to plant shrubs, trees, and perennials. Also, you can start new lawns to get the desired outcome
Weed Control
It helps to manage weeds such as crabgrass before they emerge using landscape fabric, mulch, and herbicides. Also, be sure to deal with garden pests in the best way possible to protect your garden and lawn.
Prune Trees and Shrubs
Trees and shrubs also benefit from a bit of spring cleaning. Be sure to prune winterkill on branches and dead limbs to ward off diseases and improve the overall aesthetics.
Mulch and Divide Your Garden
If you have applied a deep layer of mulch, be sure to scrape it away from your perennials because it may smother the plants. Once the ground begins to thaw, check if your perennials are pushing up. Remove the mulch and reapply it once the plants grow a few inches to prevent the growth of weeds.

Spring Cleanup
Lawns, garden beds and plantings like the inside of our homes, need proper care after the winter months to prepare for the growing season. Spring Cleanup will enable you to enhance the aesthetics of your landscape.
Spring Yard Clean Up Checklist
Removing Debris
The first and foremost task as part of spring yard clean up is to remove refuse, including dead leaves, twigs, and litter from the yard and planting beds. You can also rake your lawn to control thatch buildup.
Preparing Planting Beds
Use compost on the garden beds and chemicals, if required, to prepare the plants for spring. Be sure to remove the weeds and use a tiller to break the ground.
Planting in the Prepared Flower Beds and Lawns
Early spring is an ideal time to plant shrubs, trees, and perennials. Also, you can start new lawns to get the desired outcome
Fall Clean Up
The lawn and garden beds need to be prepared for the harsh cold New England winter months, autumn is the ideal season. When you take the time to clean up your yard and care for it, you can enjoy a lush, healthy lawn during springtime. This is why it helps to know about the fall yard maintenance checklist.

Fall Yard Clean Up Checklist
Remove Any Debris
Rake your yard to remove dead leaves, twigs, and other debris that may prevent growth. This is because organic wastes, including weeds and leaves, often provide a safe ground for pests such as mice.
Take Out Dead Trees and Shrubs
As part of your fall yard clean up routine, check for signs of life. If you do not see green under the bark when you scratch it, the tree may be dead. The best way to deal with a dead plant is to cut and dig it out before the onset of winter.
Mow the Yard
Be sure to water and mow your lawn as required. This will ensure the grass can withstand the cold temperatures and protect its overall health.
Aerate and Thatch the Lawn
Heavy organic debris and excess thatch under the grass can negatively affect its health. It can starve the roots from essentials such as water, air, and minerals. Aerating your lawn helps to remove thatch and beautify your grass.
Add Fertilizer
The morning dew and cooler temperatures are ideal conditions for fertilizing your lawn. They help ensure your grass has a stronger root system.
Mulch and Rake
Mulching in the fall season helps to prevent soil erosion and suppress the growth of weeds. Ensure that your plants have a layer of mulch around 2 – 3 inches to help them thrive during the winter months.
Garden Maintenance
As part of the garden upkeep routine, remove all weeds and debris before the ground hardens. This will help eliminate insects and diseases in the winter